ICC parishioners volunteering to serve the needy at the Bergen County Shelter on May 11, 2019.

OUR MINISTRIES NEED YOUR HELP!! We are looking for volunteers for the various ministries of our parish. We need Ministers of Hospitality (ushers), Ministers of the Word (lectors) and Eucharistic Ministers. If you look on our parish website ( there are descriptions of all our parish ministries. You can even email us right from our website if you are interested. You can also call the rectory at 201- 440-2798 or let Fr. Michael know. We also need volunteers for the Environmental Committee which is responsible for decorating our church for Easter, Christmas and other occasions. Please consider donating your stewardship of time to these very important ministries.
Ministry of the Word
Ministers of the word are those who lector, that is proclaim the scriptures to the congregation assembled for worship. This requires all the adequate preparation that the work of God demands. Those who proclaim the word of God in religious formation classes for the young, in the rite of religious initiation for adults who wish to be baptized, as well as those who wish to learn more and update their Catholic faith are called to this ministry. In order to do all of the above properly demands time for preparation. Good presentation and a prayer life are needed to support the work done in this ministry.
Eucharistic Ministry
Eucharistic ministers are those who regularly distribute the Eucharist at parish liturgies, take communion to the sick, and in other ways have the care of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist. Eucharistic ministers are called to this ministry either by the pastor, the community, or perhaps their own desire to bear the body of Christ to their neighbors. Needless to say, no one is worthy of the body of Christ. However, if there were not Eucharistic ministers then many, many people would not be able to receive the Eucharist as frequently as they are able to do today because of the changes in church law. In the early church, there were not many priests and so lay people would very often take communion to those who were either sick or because of work, were unable to attend a Eucharistic liturgy. This ministry should be supported by prayer and meditation in our own personal lives.
Bereavement Ministry
Scripture tells us “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” The ministry to the bereaved is just that: whether at a wake service, attending a funeral liturgy in order to support the family and friends, or the discussions that can follow dealing with all the attendant feelings of those who have suffered loss. Not everyone feels comfortable in this situation; however, there are those with special gifts who can be a great support and assistance in this particular situation. Many say I would not know what to say and yet God tells us in scripture, “Do not worry about what you are to say because I will give you the words to say what needs to be said.”
Social Concerns
The social concerns ministry is an outreach to the poor and the homeless. At various times of the year, food is prepared and served by the members of this ministry for the homeless in the Bergen County Community. Other social actions in this ministry are normally taken care of individually, confidentially and on an as needed basis.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry consists of the Music Director, organist, other musicians, cantors, adult choir and children’s choir. If you have an interest in being a part of the Music Ministry, please feel free to get involved. The choirs meet on alternate Sundays following 10 a.m. Mass. Join us on any Sunday. No auditions are necessary, we only ask that you commit your time and talent. We are also open to welcoming any of you who play musical instruments (brass, drums, woodwinds, strings, etc.) We are seeking to broaden our talent base. If any of you fit this description, please come forward. Age is no barrier.
Hospitality Ministry
The ministry of hospitality in the Catholic Church has been perhaps, the most neglected ministry. The reason for this is that most pastors were happy if someone just took up the collection. Ministers of hospitality are called to do much more, and it might be said much more valuable work when the community gathers. They are called to greet those who enter and make them feel welcome which is so very, very important since not every community gives this message. Members of this ministry are called to be at least 10 minutes early for their service so that the church or other facility is adequately prepared. They include air conditioning or heat on, windows opened or closed, adequate seating for all, church steps cleared and salted in inclement weather, and to properly escort people to their seats, especially those who arrive after the service begins and are embarrassed to walk down the aisle by themselves. These ministers are called to do everything possible so that everyone feels welcome and comfortable. In any emergency situation, they are called to know where the first aid kit is, to call 911, or in any other way to be of assistance at such times.