
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The world is filled with people whose basic needs aren’t met, whether for clean water, nutrition, safety, education, meaningful work, stable family life, basic medical resources, religious freedom, and the right to life. So how can we possibly believe what Psalm 145 says to us this week, “The hand of the Lord feeds us, He answers all our needs”? Does He? What about the countless poor? Can’t we identify at least a few unmet needs in our own lives right now? Is the Bible promoting wishful thinking and laziness in helping others? No. The psalm flows from Israel’s experience of God’s relentless fidelity again and again —especially in the Passover from Egypt. This divine providence is recalled when Jesus feeds the needy multitudes in the Gospel of John. Passover arrives once again, and the people are hungry like the ancient Israelites on the wilderness journey. What is new is that in Jesus, God not only provides for their needs, but He learns what it’s like to have those human needs. He shares them too. He feeds them bread and fish; and even more, He hungers to provide them, and us, much more than just that kind of perishable food. Our deepest need is for God. Like the multiplied bread, all earthly provisions ultimately fail, for we all finally die. Of course, our obligation to meet the needs of the poor is basic. But Christ promises to feed us with the one bread that never fails: God Himself. He is humanity’s eternal food. If we eat this bread, we taste the faithfulness of God who answers all our needs, even when every earthly thing fails. — Father John Muir
Father John Muir

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I had just taken a trip with my mom. We traveled to New Hampshire for a few days (something we do yearly) but this year on the way back we also stopped and stayed at a bed and breakfast in Stanhope, N.J. There is not much there to do but we had been there in the past with my dad. It is a nice little place, very relaxing and provides good memories for us. My mom however, had suggested we skip going there to save a little money and just come straight home from New Hampshire. I considered, but it reminded me of the trips we took to Ireland or more to the point the trip we didn’t take. You see, I had traveled with my parents to Ireland on a couple of occasions. My dad for years talked about how much he wanted to get back there at least one more time. We kept putting it off, with the idea we would do it some other time, some other year, etc. Now there will be no other time since my dad is no longer here on earth. I regret not taking the trip. This is the reason I told my mom that I still wanted to stop in Stanhope on the ride home from New Hampshire. I don’t know how many more trips I will be taking with my mom, but I want to get them in while I can get them in and build memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life rather than having regrets to live with the rest of my life. My brothers and sisters let us always remember that none of us knows when the last trip, last word, last hug, last chance to build memories will take place so let us build them while we can for good memories are worth more than money in the bank.
God Bless you all,
Fr. Michael

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” JOHN 6:9
The miracle of the Loaves and Fishes carries two important messages. First, no matter how little we have, we always have enough to share. Second, Christ can take our humble gifts and do great things with them if we are just willing to let Him. Nothing is impossible with God. All of our gifts, big or small, were given to us for a reason. No gift is too small or insignificant!

Everyday Stewardship
My daughter can easily become overwhelmed by having so much to do. She recently graduated from high school, and many times during those four years, she found herself going crazy from being involved in so many things. Sports, drama, youth group, homework, friends, and more all demanded a slice of her attention. Sometimes the slice of time that remained wasn’t much and one does have to sleep! A good everyday steward can get caught up in doing so much and giving so much that he or she loses sight of the fact that you cannot give what you do not have. If you have no time left, you cannot give that. If you have no energy left, you cannot give that. Finally, if you find yourself agitated and overwhelmed, you cannot give that which others benefit from the most: YOU! Even when we plant seeds in a garden after tilling and watering the soil, we must rest and wait for there to be growth. If we do not take time to rest and recharge, we are not allowing time for God’s grace to bring forth new life in us. We fear that things will suffer without us, but the truth is that no one is benefiting from our fatigue. We can think we are giving but really we are empty. Take some time and rest in your God. Retreat and recharge. Then you will be able to share once again.
-Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

That God will relieve their suffering and restore them to health. Please pray for Please pray for: Kellie Salata, Kelly Chinchar, Jessica, Daniel Breslin, Stanley, Helen Traina, Joseph Marrone, Bill Marshall, Anthony, Michael, Joseph, Jessica Esopo, William, Steve, Audra, Bernadette, James Weiss, Baby Ford, Rosemary Malangone, Elizabeth Malangone, Sue West, Danny, Colleen Emery, Richard, Joan Russo, Christina Martin, Mornia Evans, Valerie Valverde, Diana McGuckin, Pat Peterson, Jim Wylie, Manny Scarangella.

The gift of the Sanctuary Lamp for the first two weeks of July are for Healing Prayers for Lorraine Valdes by Snookie, Michele & John-LeRoy.

The second two weeks are given in memory of the Deceased Members of the Catral Family by Paz & Federico Camacho.

Please consider sponsoring our Bread & Wine, Altar Flowers, and the oil for the Sanctuary Lamp.

Opportunities for Parish Support

There are several ways you can help support our parish and honor loved ones at the same time. As you may have noticed on the first Sunday of every month in our bulletin, we thank the donors of our Altar Gifts. You can donate the Bread & Wine, Altar Flowers, or the Sanctuary Lamp in a two-week block for $50 in someone’s memory. We have blocks open for this year. We also need to purchase a new Easter candle each year (the tall candle on the altar) for $300-$400 which can also be donated in someone’s memory. You do not have to fund the entire amount, anything you wish to donate towards the purchase of our Easter candle is appreciated. We also have masses available for your intentions. If you wish to honor someone in any of these ways, please call the rectory.

Prayer for our Nation
God our Father, giver of life, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. You are the rock on which this nation was founded. You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Reclaim this land for your glory and dwell among your people. Send your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders. Open their minds to the great worth of human life and the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Remind your people that true happiness is rooted in seeking and doing your will. Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, patroness of our land, grant us the courage to reject the “culture of death.” Lead us into a new millennium of life. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Praying the ROSARY

The Rosary is a meditation, a time to recall and think about the life of Jesus as seen and experienced by Mary. As the model of faith, Mary’s life sets a pattern that we strive to follow: saying ‘yes’ to God’s will in our lives and sharing His love and message with others. The Mysteries of the Rosary form a mini lesson of faith, using the highlights and significant moments of the life of Jesus. Like paging through a family scrapbook, we see in brief the events of salvation history that are the core of our belief and the hope of our eternal life.


We would like to thank all the advertisers who have supported us throughout the past year. Our parish benefits greatly from the ads you see in the bulletin. The revenue pays for the printing which is an important means of communication for the parish. If we do not have enough advertisers, the cost of our bulletin goes up. We thank the local businesses that advertise with us especially in these tough economic times. We have some spaces on the back of our bulletin that need filling so if you would like to advertise your business as well as benefit your church, please contact John Patrick Publishing at 1-800-333-3166.

Please support our advertisers at the back cover of bulletin.